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    Sunday, June 30, 2013

    attention to blackmail webcam

    A new scam is exploding in France for a few months, this is a scam or blackmail webcam. Nearly 2,000 victims have been identified by the police in 2012, against less than 600 the year before. In most cases, this type of blackmail is operated by African or African origin and that blackmail can kill, as at least two deaths are directly attributed to this scam.The principle of blackmail webcam is simple, cause a victim in a naughty chat on...


    According to the IDC for the first half of 2013, the latest figures from sales of smartphones in Europe, compiled by IDC show that Sony took third place with 3.2 million handsets, behind the usual Samsung (14.3 million ) and Apple (6.2 million...

    Friday, June 28, 2013

    Oscar Pistorius began these lightweight workouts

    this day, South African Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius began these lightweight workouts. the champion who are artificial feet. knowing that Oscar was accused of killing his girlfriend. it must present to the court. on August 19, 2013 records of Oscar Pistorius: DateCompétitionplaceRésultatPerformance 2004Jeux paralympiquesAthènes1er200 m T4421 s 97 3e100 m T4411 s 16 2008Jeux paralympiquesPékin1er100 m T4411 s 17 1er200...

    Thursday, June 27, 2013

    NASA discovers 10,000th near-Earth object

    More than 10,000 asteroids and comets that can pass near Earth have now been discovered. The 10,000th near-Earth object, asteroid 2013 MZ5, was first detected on the night of June 18, 2013, by the Pan-STARRS-1 telescope, located on the 10,000-foot (3,000-meter) summit of the Haleakala crater on Maui. Managed by the University of Hawaii, the PanSTARRS survey receives NASA funding. Ninety-eight percent of all near-Earth objects discovered...

    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    History of Aviation - The Height of Human Imagination

    If there is one word that is constantly being proved wrong throughout history, it is the word 'impossible'. Whenever a human mind thinks of something that has never been done before, there are always a number of people present to say that it is not possible. Yet, from time to time, human intelligence has proved its superiority over human reasoning. Man has been able to achieve nearly everything that a mind is able to imagine. The best example...

    Tuxera Releases High-Performance, Fail-Safe FAT File System for Android and Linux

    HELSINKI, Finland, June 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Delivers Innovative Implementation with Full FAT Interoperability Tuxera Inc., the market leader in interoperable file system technologies, announced today a major implementation advancement of the FAT file system. Tuxera FAT provides significantly faster data transfers, much improved application responsiveness, data preserving fail-safe operation and power saving benefits. The...

    Sunday, June 23, 2013

    The thinnest smartphone in the world presented in London by Huawei

    smartphone, london, huawei HIGH-TECH Chinese telecom giant Huawei has launched in London on Tuesday a new "smart phone" presented as the finest in the world, to compete with high-end models of its rivals Apple and Samsung in foreign markets. The setting for the launch of the new smartphoneHuawei date, 18/06, owes nothing to chance. This is a nod to the thickness of the phone to 6.18 mm. To launch outside of China, its traditional base, the...

    Microsoft gets a patent to make our body ... a network

    Microsoft gets a patent for our body ... a network Microsoft has been granted a patent describing an apparatus transmitting data via small electrical impulses through the body. What exchange of computer data in a simple handshake, secure paymentsThe Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a patent to Microsoft surprising. Introduced in December 2011, this patent titled Biological Entity Communication Channel describes a system...

    Saturday, June 22, 2013

    manifestations in brazil

    The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, facing a historic social unrest, promised Friday to receive the "protest leaders" and work towards a "grand bargain to improve public services." "I want to reiterate that my government is listening to the voices demanding democratic change," Rousseff said in a solemn address to the nation, 24 hours after the protests marred by violence that spilled 1.2 million Brazilians in the streets, in During a 10 minute...

    technology in Brazil

    Traditional exporter of raw materials and center of foreign investment in the productive sector, Brazil is now seeking to attract capital for cutting-edge research in areas such as oil and information technology. "The biggest challenge for Brazil is innovation. We are very competitive in agriculture, aviation, oil and gas. But our industry has a weak culture of innovation ", said recently the Minister of Science and Technology, Antonio...

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    Right to respect for private and family life

       Between social networks that archive our data, websites who send pubs depending on what you look on the web, and direct observation of our mails by U.S. intelligence, as revealed young computer exiled to Taiwan, our privacy is no longer really.Isabelle Attard, Green MP Calvados, working on a European regulation of the protection of personal data. The goal is to "provide the European CNIL ball so that it can better defend ourselves....

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    A "hole" in the gigantic sun observed by NASA

    The sun is not a great shape. A huge coronal hole was observed between 28 and 31 May at the surface by the Solar Dynamics Observator a solar observatory developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Despite its size, the Agency argues that this phenomenon has little risk to Earth. Communications could still be disrupted for two months.A "cold" area was detected on the surface of the sun, in its most distant atmospheric...

    Chinese supercomputer;World N:1

    Chinese supercomputer Tianhe-2 rose to first place in the Top 500 world ranking, leaving far behind in fourth place, the Japanese champion "K", demotion motivates a hundredfold the Japanese to go head .Tianhe-2, of the Chinese University of Defense Technology, achieved computational performance of 33.86 petaflop / s (33.86 million billion operations per second), while the Japanese "K" (to pronounce Kei) peaked at 10.51 petaflop / s,...

    Saturday, June 15, 2013

    impact of alarm applications imitating the song of the bird threatened its preservation.

      A British association for the defense of the fauna and flora of the impact of alarm applications imitating the song of the bird threatened its preservation. the ubiquity of smartphones disorients a singular volatile, the Europe (Caprimulgus europaeus) nightjar. An application imitating the sound of purring Nightjar disorder indeed quiet rocky areas of the county of Dorset and angers the regional fund for the preservation of fauna...